The estate was established in the early 1900s and became a part of the McNeill & Barry Group and came into fold in 1975. It is situated 52 Km from Dibrugarh and is surrounded by small rivulets. There are two divisions, the Dirai and Pithagooti. In 1997 these were reconstructed into & div. Pithagooti, tea into 3 div. Pithogooti, Diksam & Longboi for better management resulting in high productivity.


Company: Bishnauth Tea Company
Area Moran
District Dibrugarh
Total Grant Area (Ha) 1138.33
Area Under Tea (Ha) 707.25
Total Crop (Kg) 1150273
Workforce 1270
Manufactures 100% CTC
Quality Yellowish Bright

Click to view tea estates producing
Yellowish Bright quality tea